Thursday, June 25, 2009

Roast the first post!

Well this is my first post. Which should be the one that means the most. But really, it means the least, so don't put too much eagerness into it. I'm hoping to make an update of this blog whenever I can, which may be rare, or on a fare occasion, who knows? So I recommend you only check this site every Sunday, when you're at home folding you're laundry, or maybe even on a Saturday night when you come home in a drunken stupor looking for something to do.

Well let's start off with the things I am bringing:
A 68L backpack (Holds my clothing perfectly, and almost everything else except the pots!)
Undercover Wallet (Holds passport, cards, keys, anything else Top Secret!)
Platypus 3L Camel Pack (Lotsa water for the travel!)
Canada Day Tent 7'X7' (A packable mansion!)
A Shake n' Shine Flashlight (All you have to do is shake it to charge it... Luckily I'm good at this motion :-P)
Sharpie (Good for writing all over the stalls I'll be stalling in. )
Dream Diary (Gotta keep track of those weird ass anomalies.)
Rain Jacket (I don't like getting wet ALL the time.)
+8 C Sleeping bag and pillow (Both are the same size. Both take up the same space as a regular sleeping bag :-P)
Utensils (I'd rahter eat with my hands... but thaat's not alwauys the wisest choice.)
iPod [with 'weather proof' case] (I'd rather lose a toe than not have music by my side!)
Geezer Sunglasses (YAY!)
Some more crap no one cares about ( Even III don't care about that crap)

We're landing in London on the 28th, staying... Somewhere for a few nights.. hopefully someone from CouchSurfers will answer us! If nota park bench it'll be! Or maybe we'll go camping¿ Who knows? On thte 1st (CAN CAN LAND DAY!) We'll be heading to Amsterdam to party hardy with a full hearty! Then we'll be heading to Berlin Sometime around the 8th. Then we'll probably be heading to theCzech republic, Prague maybe? Then maybe through Austria to get to Switzerland, let's say Zurich¿ ANd POW! Down to Italy... But hwo knows, maybe a few new pals will lead us to somewhere else? Who knows? Not me that's for sure.

So I think I'm ready, but I'm probably far from it. Which is good, 'cause that's the point of this trip!
See ya pals!


1 comment:

  1. Some "Mom" advice...
    Have fun tonight, but don't party too hard....make sure you're in good shape for your flight tomorrow.
    Talk to you tomorrow!
