Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 more weeks...

Alright, I left in mid post last time because I ran out of time, so hopefully that won't happen now, but I have more time so it shouldn't.
So straight to the point I guess...
Uhhh, so we got to Bologna and realized how crappy the Italian train system is. The trains are stinky, hot, and slow. Not to mention the machines that give you the tickets spit out whatevers most conviniant for them to make money. But it's better than going to the ticket sales people because they just give the most expensive way. Anyway we found out in Bologna we could have gotten a cheaper train ticket and saved 20€, thanks TrainItalia for helpen us poor tourists out...
Anyway we eventually made it to Florence, and headed to a campsite, where our misery of the day continued. We got into the campsite at dark, and got a nice little go kart ride down to where we were going to sleep. At this point I was thinking this place was high class... Then we got a feel for the ground. It was mainly hard ground with gravel shot in every which direction. This was HARDly the place for sleeping (yes that's a pun :-P). Not only was the ground hard and uncomfortable but we got some stank pizza at the campsite kitchen. Whatever, it filled my belly.
So on the 1st of August we woke up soar and sleepy, eager to get up and out of the hard ass ground. Another scorching hot day, we ended buying three 1.5L bottles of water throughout the day. We headed to the museum where Michaelangeloes David stands tall and nude. It was a lot more bigger than I ever imagined it to be, and WAY more detailed. It even had veins on his hands and extreme detail like that. There were a few other cool things, like a photography display. Whether it was worth the 10€ each is beyond me, but we had to pay to see some monumental thing at some point. Not much else to do in Florence so we just toured around sweating our balls off. We made it back to the campsite for Happy Hour, where bottles of wine were 2.50€ each. We drained 3 of them down and bought one for later. Wine hit us a LOT harder than we expected, but that was quite alright. It made it very easy to pass out on the hard gravel.
We got up feeling nice and hungover from the hardcore wine. We went into town to get our tickets and some Paninis, yum. So we took the cheap train ride down to Rome, and Warrens phone died, so we didn't have much choice of where to go or stay. Information was closed because it was around 7. Luckily this 'tourist info' guy came up to us, clearly knowing we were lost without a place. He told us there were no hostels within 30 minutes of travel time, and that they were untrustworthy anyway. So he brought us to a hotel that was only 45€ for a double. Clearly this dude worked for the hotel, and wasn't a tourist guy at all, because when we charged Warrens phone we found like 6 hostels within a 1o minute walk of the station.
So the next mornign (3rd) we got up and went to a few hostels to check out their prices and such. We found a decent one, so we booked 3 nights there. We got our stuff locked up and headed out to Rome! First stop Colloseum! We didn't end up going in because it was 12€ just to get in without a tour. But the outside was legendary. A definite thing to see and walk around many times when in Rome. We walked up a street called Alessandrina where there were tons of ruins. At the end of them, in Colona Traiana, there was a cool pilar with a sort of storyline/comic going up in a spiral. Right next to this was Monumento aVittoric Emanuele. Whatever this building was it was massively epic. There were statues all along it. I could only imagin how the inside must have looked. Next stop was the Pantheon. Don't get confused by this churches crappy exterior, that looks demolished and crumbled because the inside is completly wonderful. Theres Huge marble pillars holding the front up, and inside is completely marble, except the dome ceiling I think is like concrete or something, with a big round window in the middle. Onto the Fontana di trevi now. This was by far the most beautiful fontain I have ever seen. There were winged horses and people trying to tame them, with (what I beleive is) Posiden in the middle looking out and beyond. Next we saw Piazza della Repubblica and San Carrio Quattro Fontain, not much to saw about those. We then went on a Pub Crawl, met a bunch of people, not much to say about the actual crawl.
The 4th was just a relaxing day. Sat in our beds, read, and ate. We made our best meal so far. It was Penne Rigate, with some sort of cheese sauce. Then we took some chicken boobies and cooked them in oil, tomatoes, and onions. Yummy in my tummy. We drank a little bit with 2 Americans.
The 5th we toured around more of Rome with one of the Americans. We showed him some of the main things we checked out 2 days before, then split up at the Pantheon and headed the the Vatican. The plazza just outside was amazing, with Pillars everywhere and dozens of statues on top of them. The insid of the Vatican was the most vast and epic and legendary and beautiful thing I have EVER seen. The ceilings were like 40 feet high. There were statues of a bunch of popes all along. There was a small room listing all the popes that have reigned (or whatever it is they do) I heard someone say tehre were 146.
New city time! We headed to La spieza, where we got in late, with no hostels around, UH OH! We wondered around for like 2 hours with our packs on. We saw 2 parks, one which was sketchy so we went to the more lively one and I passed out on the grass for a bit, which was a mistake. Srpinklers came on which made me jump outta my pants quite quickly. So I passed out on a bench for 3 hours. Warren was a champ and didn't sleep at all.
So on the 7th we headed to a hostel in Biassa, waited for 2 hours for them to get back from there 4 hour lunch, and found out they only had girl rooms left. Crap. Luckily we were chatting with 2 Austrailian girls while we were waiting, so they didn't mind us spklitting the room with them. Whew, saved our tired asses there. We slept for pretty much the rest of the day and night.
Cinque Terre time! This is some sort of National park with 5 small towns in between. So we found a campsite in LAvento and then went for the 5 hour hike through small mountains and through the towns. On the last stretch there were these homeless cats that you can donate to and feed. I didn't donate (had no coinage) but I did feed them. They seemed to enjoy that. Two ditsy American girls witnessed this so we started talking to them traveling back to the last town. These were the cougars Warren was mentioning in his Blog. We ate a seafood meal with them, slowly finding out they were crazy. We split at the train station. We could have followed them to there hotel that they had. We probably would have but at that point they were unsure if they actually had a place because they were supposed to check in at 6pm and it was 11pm.
No worries, they bragged about they're place the next day when we ran into them. Why did we have to be so nice and carry there massive bags everywhere through Lavento? Got nothign out of it to... Well Live and learn I guess... So we headed tto the beach for the rest of the day.
Getting out of Cinque Terre, we headed to Nice.
Nice is not Nice
We didn't book anything because we had no problems so far. Everythign was full up. Crap. We stayed at McDonalds for a while using their free WiFi and me up with 6 Russian girls who were in the same boat as us. They were only in Nice for a 2 days. They were scared to be all along with no manly figures around. So the asked if we could tag along with them to 'protect' them. I`m not sure what I would have down if something actually happened. I'm not strong enough to fend off 6 other dudes. But nothing happened, Warren and I stayed up all night while most of them slept. The beach sucked. It was all rocks. I don't know how they slept on them. We kept our minds awake by throwing rocks into the water and I built a happy face rock thing.
The next day there was still nothing available. Whatever we bought the most expensive tickets so far. 76€ each just to get out of crap city. And that was still the next day. Great another night of no sleep! Whatever, we slept all day in a park, and went back to MCdonalds where I slept on their outside benches.
The train took 13 hours with 3 transfers in between. We met up with 2 Americans from Fargo, and they tagged along to the hostel we actually booked online. We got our own private room for only 20 €. We slept most of the next day away, and went downtown and night. We saw some of the most amazing buskers (street performers) we've seen so far. Lots of people dressed up, which gave us the idea of doing somethign like that the next time we travel around Europe or God knows where else.
Today I am here, alive and well. getting poorer by the day, but that's okay because Barcelona is very cheap. We plan to stay here another 5 days 4 of which are cmaping so that will be cheap. yay.

Anyway I'm almost out of time now so peace out!
2 weeks... Yikes, can't believe that's all that's left.


  1. Hi guys! It sounds like you are the Canadian Good Samaritans over there. :-) I am REALLY enjoying hearing about the travels and glad that you still have a sense of humour. Love Di

  2. Only 2 weeks left! The question is, will you be happy to come home or do you wish you were traveling longer?
    Would love to see some of the sights you've been seeing. Instead we spent the weekend building a new deck with Graeme & Kelly. If you want to see it, go here:
    Love you!

  3. You guys are leaving quite a legacy of Canadian goodwill behind...good on you guys...hope you reallly enjoy the last 2 weeks!!! Can't wait to see some of the pics of the places you have been.
    Love Dad

  4. We'll be photo swapping and posting a junk load of photos once we get back for sure! Cody and I are alive and well in Sant Pol De Mar, being beach bums for one more day and then heading to 'Pear-eee'. Cheers
