Saturday, July 11, 2009

Next stop Prague!

Allllright! Now where did I last leave you guys? (Typing on a German keyboard is weird)
So the bus ride to Berlin was a little better than the one to Amsterdam. The crowd was a lot less rowdy, so we ended up sleeping most of the way. (Well as much sleep as you can get on a cramped bus). The odd thing was that when we crossed the border there was no checking of the passports so we didn#t get a German stamp in our passports.
Anyway, we got off th ebus a little bit more energiyed than we thought, and just sat around for a few minutes waiting to call our host Katyrzina, seeing as we didn't want to wake her. A few calls led us to believe she was still asleep so we decided to head to her house. Trying to figure out the subway here was actually a lot more complicated than in London (believe it or not). There was no one at all around to help us on what tickets to buy or what. So we just ok the short trip ticket, which aparantly was wrong. We got stopped by a civilian dressed officer womn dealy and she said we had the wrong tickets. Her english was as good as my german. She was going to charge us 40€ but we said we#d buy a 5 day ticket. So she let us off, whether it was because we're dumb Canadian tourists or offered to buy a bigger ticket, I don#t know. I think she only gave us the 3 day ticket, but that's not my fault. She held up 5 fingers, so I'm assuming that meant 5 dazs. Anyway, we eventually got a hold of Kat and were able to put our stuff inside and safe! We didn't end up doing much, just had a lazy day and hung out with Kat, eatnig some piyya and watching a movie.
The next day was a little more eventful. We went out and toured around town seeing what#s up with Berlin. Our first stop was the Berlin wall. Te first bit of the wall was still the original painting, but the more we moved down the wall the more it was being updated. Some parts of the wall were even white for the next people who will paint on it. One of the most interestign things is just seeing parts of the wall all over Berlin. So chunks were found in a museum by Checkpoint Charlie. Some were at a corner near the sony centre. These ones people found it a good idea to stick their gum to the side of it so there was like an inch thick layer of gum, yum yum. But I guess itäs better than the street.
After seeing the wall we decided to go to a mesuem. The best one we've gone to far, (this'll make my dad jealous) the Ramones museum!
The musuem was just like their shows, a ton of stuff crammed into a small space. There was cool stuff like Joeys pants he wore (signed by him), Johnnys guitar ( I think it was just a model or whatever zou call those, signedby him), Markys Cons that he wore, along with his drumsticks (cons signed by him and sticks signed by everyone). There was also wicked stuff like the original papers that the lyrics were written down on, like Blitzkrieg bop, I wanna be your Boyfriend, Today your love Tomorrow the world, and many others.
After that excitement we headed to CHeckpoint Charlie. Not much really here, just a major historical point so we decided to visit. After that we headed to Kats bar and had some Brews.
Yesterday, Warrens birthday, (HAPPY BDAY WARREN!) we went on an underground bunker tour that took up an hour and a half of our day. The tour was filled with fun facts of how they used to cram a bunch of people in these bunkers during the air rides, and how some people used to use these bunkers to try an d escape to the West side during the cold war. They were linked to the subway tunnels so people used to jump down by the rails and wait for the train to pass and then run behind it. Finally the police or whatever realiyed what was happening so they put these beds down that were covered in inch long nails. There was also cool glow in the dark arrows that were aparantly once toxic because of what they were made of. We were warned not to lick the walls, Bummer! just what I came to Berlin for!
Afterthat we came backto the house and waited outside for a few hours waiting for someone to open the door to the building. Don#t worry, we werent bored. Here it's legal to drink on the streets. Not only that but a HALF Litre bottle of beer is worth .60€. Thatäs like a little over a dollar for abeer twice the size of a regular canadian beer! Bless the germans for their cheap awesome beer! Evenetually we ended hadnig to a club called the Matrix at like 12;30. I was like thinking by the time we got there the party was giong to be just starting to get dispursed. I was dead wrong! We ended up partying and dancing until about 4;30 in the morning. And we only left because we were getting dehydrated from dancing and drinking. They weren't even giving anyone water (or atleast not me, but maybe that's because I don't have boobs). Anyway the nightlife isn't really nightlife here, it#s more of a morning life because people party until it's light out!
So here I am typing out what happened waiting for my laundry to be done. Lazy day today, since we have to get up at 6 tomorrow. We haven't found a CouchSurfer for Prague yet... but I'm sure one will come up!
Anyway I'm gonna head, my fingers hurt.

Oh; and here are some things I miss about canada:
Not having to pay to pee (Almost all places here you have to pay atleast .50€ to do a normal human bodily function. That#s like paying to Breathe, I'd rather pee on the streets for free thank you)
Getting free tap water. (Aparantly there's no such thing as being generous enough to give you a glass of shitty tap water)
Not having to pay attention of getting run over by crazy kamikazi bicyclests.

Byebye for now!


  1. Another great post, love all the detail...The Ramones Museum....I am jealous...sounds like they had some great's great that you are seeing so many sites of historical significance as well as all the fun/cool places....I think you will like is a beautiful of the nicest I have been to...
    Love Dad

  2. hope you are remembering my birthday present? (pics of you in all these places). Sounds like lots of fun!

  3. Hello! Glad you are enjoying past and present Prague....Good luck walking up the hill to the castle.
