Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Still alive and kickin!

Alllllright! I haven't had internet (or atleast FREE internet) for a while so I that's why I haven't updated. But today I had to break and pay so I don't get too far behind.
RIght now we are currently in Zurich, Switzerland. The last I posted was right before we left for Prague.
The night before our bus we ended up going to Kat's bar and drinking the night away. Warren was the smart one and went to bed while I stayed upall night and talked to Kat and Saioa (Kat's roomy).
Unfortunately we ended up missing the bus , not because we were late though! We were actually 3 minutes early! But apparently that's why they tell you to arrive 30 minutes before hand. A well, serves us right for trying to make an early morning bus! We ended catching a bus 2 hours laterthat was actuall 20 dollars cheaper, so another booboo to add onto the list.
Funny story. I was waiting to get on to the bus to go to the washroom because I didn't want to pay a Euro to take a dump.So 10 minutes into the ride I decide to take a load off. When I came I was faced with the stewardess asking what I did in there, and apparently I wasn't supposed to take craps in the toilet. She wasn't pleased. I don't see why, I mean I was the one who had to clean it. She said some stuff Like why I didn't listen to the video, clearly she doesn't I'm a dumb tourist who only knows English, not crazy Czech.
Any way we finally get to PRague safe and sound and headto a hostel called CLown and Bard. CHeapest hostel bso far! We had a dorm with 28 people, but it was still fun.
On the 13th we took Pauls free tour and walked for 3 hours all around Prague, seeing everything the town ahs to offer. Froma clock tower that rings and has a bunch of active puppets and stuff like askeleton ringing a bell and random people popping out the windows. We saw a huge Cathedral that was made in something like the 12th century and the 14th century it was finally finished.
We ended up meeting up with 2 other Canadians, 2 New Zealanders and an American. We wwent out for some chinese and then went straight to the drinking games!
The next day consisted of us looking for campsites in Prague and napping to cure our weak handovers (well mainly me ;-P)
We went to a guy called Fabios house and couchsurfed there for two nights.
In the todays we were there we went to an akll you can eat sushii pLace called Samurai. We had our own personal cook who did that Terrinaki and we ate a wide variety of things like duck, beef, chicken, pork, prawn, and egg fired rice! This was our most expensive and most delicious meal so far!
The next day we had our first taste of Czech food (Golosh or something) which was good but mainly a bunch of sauce so it wasn't vvery filling. We ended goign to a 'club'which was more of a bar. It's called Cross Club and if you're ever in Prague this a need to go place. The first 2 floors and outside are plastered with car parts and all sorts of stuff from scrapyards! Everything was ether moving or had lights on it. Everything in this place was created from scratch (so I was told). There was a fooseball room with 2 playable tables,and one on the ceiling that looked like it was playing itself. THe top floor was much more chill and everything was made of wood and twine and such. Amaying!
THe following two days we went 'camping'.THis is a laughable term. Definitelynotthe Canadian way of camping. It looked like it was someones backyard filled with RVs and tents. But it was cheap so I'm not going to complain!
ANyways hopefully more will be posted tomorrow once we go to Bern, but my time is running out.
PS this may not be readible because I was quick typing on a horrible keyboard

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiddo,
    Hope you found a place to stay. We just had a great visit with your dad and Diane. (although we never seem to have good weather when they're here). They are off now to visit Cape Breton.
    Love you
