Monday, July 6, 2009

We'll be in Berlin by next mornin'!

Allo allo fellow readers!
When we last left off I was a little woozy from a sleepless 9 hour overnight bus ride. Not a whole lot has happened but here we go.
So the hostel we've been staying in the last 4 nights is called 'The Flying Pig', which is actually located in Noordwijk, about 30 km outside of Amsterdam. We didn't realize it was actually this far out of amsterdam, but it's well worth the travel. Besides we only really went into Amsterdam once.
Our first day we just spent touring around Noordwijk, which is an amazingly beautiful small town of about 22,000. There's beautiful landscape everywhere. ALl aorund the round-abouts they have flowers, trees, and what have you. Almost every window here has a pot of flowers in it for some reason. And EVERYONE bikes! Matter of fact the bikers have the right of way in these parts. there's bike lanes on almost every road, and if not, than the roads themselves can only be used by bikes or motorcycles, or mopeds.
Our second day was a beach day, because someone warned us it was going to rain. So we just relaxed, toured around again, and went to the beach. The beach was wonderful even when it was windy. There were kyte surfers out riding the waves and air. Some of them could get about 8 feet of air, I can't even imagin how much air they'd get on a really windy day with huge waves.
On the 4th we went into Amsterdam on the shuttle that the hostel has, (although it's more of a crappy van from the 80s). But it was only 3Euro so I'm not complaining. So we first got dropped off almost right beside central station and went straight into wandering the city aimlessly. We walked down a kinda strip mall that ran for several blocks. The odd thing was, was that they were all american stores. and multiple ones of the same! We saw atleast 3 H&Ms, 3 Levi stores, 2 Footlockers, 2 McDonalds, 2 Burger Kinds, and so many more. And that was all within a span of 4 or 5 blocks. I have no idea how these stores manage to thrive when there all clumped together. After wandering for about 3 hours we decided we should actually do something. So we tried to find our way to the Sex Museum. Wahooo!
Once we got there we realized how close our drop off point was to the musuem. We practically walked completly around the outskirts of the RedLight District. Typical of us. So we paid our 3 Euro to see some of the most kcufed up things I've seen. There we're asses on the wall of the stairs that farted on you on your way up. There were hardcor pictures dating back to the 1900-1920s, even gay pictures going back that far, which surprised me. There was a large stone penis dating back to the Roman era. There were to fairly large displays imitating the Manroe skirt shot, as well as her first nude shoot. There was a whole section of fairly descent manakins, one that was of a sailor and shot 'cum' at you once you looked into the window. One of some hideous ass prostitute that reached out and grabbed you. And right before you left there was a flasher in the a dark corner that whispered to you, then came out ripping off his coat, showing you his demented penis. There was also some naughty comics ranging from Popeye, to Batman!
After the museum we went and ate, and than toured around the hardcore part of the RLDistrict.
The RLDistrict is a lot smaller than I would have thought, but it has been slowly been getting smaller and smaller. I guess the people that live there don't like half naked women standing in the doors riught in the middle of the street, clearly there something wrong with them :-P. So of the prostitutes were pretty hot, but then again there were some doozies where you wonder how they made it in this business. Ones that looked like a dog mauled some of there face, and ones that looked like they ate the girl who was actually supposed to be in the window. We even walked down a fairly deserted alley and found us in the Tranny part of the RLD, great, smooth move Cody. But who knows, maybe the ugly, large, and manlys' give a discount or something.
Our last day was another beach day. Parents, you may want to skip the next part :-P.
We had bought some mushrooms in Amsterdam since we weren't so much bent on smoking pot. So we took the mushrooms and went to the beach. The day was filled with laughter and staring at the clouds. That's pretty much it. Or abs had a good workout that day considering we couldn't go 5 minutes wihtout bursting into giggles and laughs. On our way to the beach warren snagged his arm on some barbed wirre that was wrapped around a post. God only knows why they would put barbed wire so close to the entry of such a beautiful place. Don't worry, it wasn't deep, just long.
At night there were two lives bands playing IN the hostel. Which baffled me. I never thought they;d be able to get a band in a hostel. Especially one this size. It was actually pretty crowded in here and everyone was having a blasty blast. There were 2 scottish ladies (one about 50, the other about 30) who were there before the banned started, and they were the life of the party. I could only understand half of what they were saying, and some people couldn't understand anything. But whatever came out of there mouths was a hoot, understandable or not!
Anyway that's pretty muh all I have to say, I've gotta go check out now and head back to Amsterdam for the bus!


Oh, and PS:
We're not so worried about our money situation anymore. We've calculated it out, and so far we're only about 4 days over budget. Which is mainly because we've been staying in hostels the whole time. But we've found Couchsurfer hosts for all of Berlin, and hopefully we'll be able to do the same with Czech Republic! So we're sure that after this next week we'll be back on track!

Have a good time in Canada :-P


  1. Glad you are having fun guys! I am soooooo envious! :-) Di

  2. I am bummed we missed your call!
    Sounds like things are a lot better now. I read everything (it's like a dare when you tell parents not to read something) AND I didn't fall off my chair in a faint.
    Love you

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think Di only got about every 10th word of your call...thanks for trying....glad couchsurfers worked out for Berlin...hope it goes well....I also read all(you knew we would)...sounds like Amsterdam/Noordwijk interesting experience!
    Be dad
